東日本大震災の5ヶ月後の8月に撮影したスーパー堤防の町、岩手県の「田老地区」のパノラマを公開いたします。 http://pano-h.com/20170310_Tarou_panoVR2011/20170310_Tarou_panoVR.html 実は震災直後にとあるパノラマのサイトから震災を撮影出来る人はいないかとのオファーを受けてたのですが、中途半端な体制で向かうと救助活動に支障があると思い、断っておりました。そんな5ヶ月後、ちょうど帰省のおりに田老地区に向かい撮影しました。 ちょうどお盆の夏休みだったせいかここに訪れる人も多く、皆で家族写真を撮っている人も居ました。津波の脅威を目の当たりにしましたが、もう5ヶ月経って、瓦礫も整理されて、なぜか周りの空気感は殺伐な感じはせず、カラッとしたなんとなく「ヌケ」たように感じました。そんな空気感を表現してみました。 たった5つのパノラマしか無い中途半端なものかもしれませんが、よろしければリンク先から御覧ください。 以下機械翻訳です。 It is a panorama taken in 5 months after the Great East Japan Earthquake that occurred in 2011. There was a huge embankment in "Taro district", but it was devastated by the tsunami which exceeded it. Immediately after the earthquake, we received an offer to see if there was anyone who can shoot the earthquake from a certain panorama site, but I thought that it was hindrance to rescue activities when headed by a halfway system, I refused it . Five months later, I took a picture of going home towards Taro area just as I returned home. Maybe because it was summer vacation in Bon , there are also many people visiting here, some of whom have taken family pictures. Tsunami threat to witness, but another 5 months ago, debris have been cleaned up, why rather than feeling bleak feeling around, is close to the feeling of nothingness. I tried expressing such feeling. It may be halfway things with only 5 panoramas, but if you like, please visit from the link.
先月で閉園した『上野こども遊園地』の360°動画を作りました! * I created a 360° video of Ueno Kids Amusement Park, which closed down last month. 娘が小さい頃に動物園が終わって、帰りに良くここに吸い寄せられてましたね、懐かしいです。 終戦直後から70年も営業していて、整備工事に支障があるから閉鎖とはなんとも寂しいです。 アーカイブ的に、この先もずっとYouTubeで見れるかどうか分かりませんが、なるべく色等いじらずに作ってみました。 おしゃれなカフェが出来上がる頃にもう一度見て、VR体験して懐かしんでもらえればいいかなと思います。 去年2月に閉鎖を知らずに撮影したので、僕がおもいっきり映ってしまってますが、その辺はご勘弁を(あえてそのままにしました)。 それにしても狭い!解像度上げて是非見てください。
I created a 360° video of Ueno Kids Amusement Park, which closed down last month. When my daughter was small, we used to be enticed to drop by here after visiting the zoo. It operated as long as 70 years since right after WWII. It is such a shame they had to close down, due to maintenance jobs becoming too difficult. I tried my best not to edit too many things including colors. Although there is no guarantee that this video will be available here forever, I would be happy if people enjoyed it after a stylish cafe opens there and feltlike they actually visited this amusement park. This was shot last February before I learned that they are closing down. That is why I am everywhere in this video, but please bear with me. It is such a small space, though!